• Email : vkmnsrks@gmail.com
  • Phone : 0135- 2457 055
  • Phone : +91- 9412 05 1706
  • Phone : +91- 9412 05 1709

Our Objects




1 -  To publishing of literatures / Articles for developing of practically and Reality based Moral Human Society and providing of practical training for this .
2 -  Organizing of training programs for developing of “Moral Human Society “ according to need of current public situations.
3 -  To motivate and encourage the people for “Mutual Collaboration /Co-Operation/Under standings with ” Courtesy and Self —Reliance” feelings and working habits to each others.
4 -  Work for awareness to Real co-relation in “Spiritualization and Modernization “ for adjoining the people to each other having different religions and works as binding to the people in a thread. And also work for development of practically/reality based “ Good Cultural , Sacredness, Rite/Ritual and Religious “ thinking in people & also tO work /organize these type of activities too, as like organizing of different marriage , religious and other type of cultural programs to obtain this object of our organization.
5 -  Developing of Religious/charitable servitude thinking in peoples, for this try to create the awakens and motivation benevolent /hospitable feeling concepts in their working habits in peoples. And also having this concept, organization try to Establishment of Water sounds, Night shelters, Public Toilets etc. for obtaining the charitable objects of our organization.
6 -  Provide helps to actual needy Lonesome of Divorced Male & Female and others, all type of Helpless persons; Patrons ; Patron Children ; Widows ; Unprotected persons ; Ownerless persons etc. And also try to solve / ruin/ remove their problems. For obtaining this object organization try to provide Habitation; Education; and as possible employments/employment support to them & these type of children, according to their need and condition.
7 -  For the Public beneficial and charitable objects ; Establishments of Alms-Houses / Hospice/ Pilgrims’-Houses / Marriage-Halls etc and also organizing the programs relating to these type of activities as like organizing of social and Cultural programs as like Marriage ; religious works and other type of speech /debates ; etc to obtain the objects of organization.
8 -  For the Deliverance/Renovation of poor people, organization try ta provide regular/contract based employments in different sectors or awake & facilitate and trained them for it as their capacity and need.
9 -  Organizing of different type of Employment based training programs having concepts pertaining to scope in different Employment sectors. Also try to establishing of unique type of Minor and Major type of Industries as training Institutions in different areas for providing practical trainings to needy persons according to their wish. These are fully organized and controlled by our organization as autonomous unit / body.
10 -  Do different type of Works / organizing of different type of Training Programs and other possible activities To provide knowledge relating to awakens in respect of Health, disease treatment, prevention and control in humans as well as in Animals, Agriculture & Horticulture, and Forestry sectors etc. And also provide knowledge about employment in these sectors.
11 -  Organizing of different type of special modern technical & practical programs or Training Programs for Pregnant Women and Infant Children to Awake/ Motivate them in respect of their Good Health & Welfare.
12 -  Work or Organizing of different type of programs for messaging with our Views & Advices to Public /Concerning authorities for Practical Removal of different types of Anarchies & Lawlessness Problems which are running in our country.
13 -  TO Work / Organizing of different type of programs for messaging/Reporting with our Views & Advices to Public /Concerning authorities for Transparency based Practical Removal of every type of Corruptions from Every Field which are running asa buming problem in our country.

14 -  Do work / organizing of different type of programs in different fields especially in Educational Fields to awake/ motivate to Men & Women of our country for Physical and Moral development of our Country by Equal-Equal Partnerships of Men & Women both.
15 -  Eradications of different type of Affectedness Hypocrisy/Dissimulations and Gaudy Tinsel/Superficial showiness’ / Ostentations from different Fields and Societies. For achieving this object as introduction and adaptation of reality, the organization will try to work and organize different type of programs/ trainings to awake and motivate the peoples for it with beginnings and ending points of the facts of ostentations.
16 -  Organizing of different types of Employment based training programs for needy and willing peoples who are awaiting for employment based on Natural/ Nearby Resources based which are easily available to local people with providing of motivative educational/training concept towards self-employment/ self-reliance.
17 -  For Cultural activity/Acting activity field development, organization try to promote and provide Training, Motivation, possible helps/ training facilities to persons who want to work in this field.
18 -  Establishment of Reading rooms and Libraries at different places for Awaken & Acknowledged to the peoples.
19 -  Try to run special works/ programs for Controlling/ Eradication of Environmental Pollution and also special work/programs in Tourism Sectors.
20 -  To awake & motivate the peoples, by organizing of different type of practical training programs for controlling /removal of Drinking Water Pollution and the great holy rivers as “ The Ganga River” water pollution . Also try to connect the peoples for adopting of this important work.
21 -  For Ruining/Removing of different types of current burning problems , organization try to send its practical& reality based effective remedy/ views / proposals to the Concerning Authorities like Governments/Administrators and other responsible personalities. Also create attention/awakens in public by organizing different type of programs.
22 -  For the Nationwide/international extension of good and beneficiary cultures and employment activities from one place to other place all around the country and as well as all over the world, the organization will organize different type of training and tour programs for interaction with practical and adaptableness views according to public need.
23 -  Organizing of different types of practical trainings programs for development of different areas , especially Hill & Tribal areas .But in Uttaranchal/Uttrakhand it will be as priority based.
24 -  Organizing of Natural resources based employment and other activity training programs and to awake the people with this by organizing of training and others possible means of awakens.
25 -  For the great and unique change as Extra Modern Development in Education field/Educational Institution, on the basis of current requirement of people, The Organization will establish Special Model Schools and Educational Institutions/ coaching & training centers etc, with similarity based unique courses and unique educational systems. This will be acceptable as a “Ideal guide line” to government and public for developing of the education systems as copy of our system in public interest.
26 -  Discovering and research of different types of practical and modern Instrument and equipment according to need of General public and also provide different type of Technical Education for different field according to their need.
27 -  Organizing of different types of special social development programs and activities For Extension and Interaction by the Views and Thoughts of Organization to General public , which will produced by its authorized member/ authorities in public interest on the basis of totally Transparent, Practical and Real facts . As Our Organization believe in work not name and fame.

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